okok, got people complaining i nv put DIFFERENT photos haha.. camp one quite bad ma.. i couldn't decide i look more burnt or drunk in the photos ha.. so red.. and i never drink!! anyway, this year group 5 bag the best OG title back.. hah after all that drama in the previous year this year was a peaceful one. You've got dedicated councilors like us to thank for, esp got me and alvin old bird around haha.. we're fossils gonna be.. joining eugene they all.. how sad! ahhah
but eventually the reason we bag the title this year is becos of the batch of ever enthu and er 自甘堕落 guy freshies haha.. they dun need much motivation from us councilors before they 自high themselves.. you should have seen them do their ever famous "yandao, chiobu chao ah gua" and the other guys only r21 cheer.. we councilors really applaud them for their courage to display their sexuality in public. *clap clap* hah but they were really v entertaining...
councilors ourselves were kinda influenced haha by the 自high syndrome.. so one night at like 4am after the freshies were done with their dance routine and all went back to sleep. Councilors all of us we stayed in AS7 to annoy the rest of the ogs by the suddenly v popular game. TUKI TUKI TUKI, Mmmm Chi Chi, Tong KA Tong KA game haha... i nearly died from stomach cramps.
and one of my freshie sarah is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhah when she got drunk she kept saying this line.
"when i say i'm not drunk i'm really not drunk!! haha i just cannot walk straight.." *proceed to collapse onto the floor* while the already dead tired councilors drag her up to her feet again she repeats the entire cycle hahahaa
ow.. *me clutch my laughing stomach* you go gal...
i swear i've six packs from laughing in the camp.
but anyhows, Go SHREKKERS!! you guys keep the group 5 legend going =)
Meet the fossils!
hah my sexy group at chinatown
say cheese~
we councilors =)
can't stand it, i like my pose..
happy family!!
burnt chao ta burnt burnt burnt
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