i know they're way long overdue ha but i had to collect from my frens ma... anyway it was tons of fun! Glad we're a bunch of on-kias who decided on trying everything since we're already there. We played all the rides and flying coaster, tried Air Venture (simulated sky diving!! super fun), archery, simulated range, played arcade (won some toys), watched a movie, ate lots of hao liao, went shopping and toured the casinos! I can't stand the smoke inside.. but its really cool to see people winning money by the tons ha.
let the pictures do the talking =)

trip up! me lijun on da comfy coach

trying to take photos our way up ha

lunch on the way up!

the long journey up the mountains..

steep mountain road.. bus crawling..

clouds!!! lots of them!!!

temple in the midst of the mountain!
And people falling asleep...

sleeping beau 1: junlin

sleeping beau 2 : wenyong (ahah sorry for the close shot..)

sleeping beau 3: jinghan

sleeping beauty 4: li jun

awake queen ha snapping away.

We're here!!

while waiting for our food n the two guys, we photo whored again ha

the guys with the food!

the happy group photo

a more formal shot

ha freezing jump.. (they're jumping at the porch where cars drive in to pick people!)

da mirror: artistic pic eh ha

lijun and me
picture perfect anywhere ha (even outside a cake shop!)

we were damn good with chopping places now

standing high up beside our hotel flag pole, behind those smiles i'm actually shaking from the cold!! make it all of us. We flew down after taking this ha

basketball throwing king ha

proud scorer of 140 points!

lijun: forever young

jinghan: eh not young ha

rich people, too much time, nth to do?
Second Day...

elves getting all ready!

me bird's eye view =)

trying my best at my legolas pose

a pretty bad scoreboard!!

superwomen and men

flying superman wenyong, junlin

on da viking: wenyong was scared hah

group pic before go kart

we look weird in helmets??

the go kart-ers, with ugly helmets. (wy not paying attention)

dino land!

have to take super slow boat in ha

ha i look like bao ba zhang..

on the fly around ride

me flying in the air

on the merry go rounds ha


on da roller coaster - cyclone.. cockscrew wasn't open.. sigh..

all romantic high up?

girls on da pretty ferry wheel

introducing sky venture!

hah geared up and looking weird.. except lijun..

junlin jinghan geared up too!

can't see if its me or li jun

proud flying graduates!
Last Day...

entertaining ourselves before boarding the coach back

gaying on the return coach haha

shopping kings a.k.a. the nanny papas?

shopping queen me ha
THE END!p.s... took so long to upload... sigh
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